I went to attend the URUG (Utah Ruby Users Group) meeting today because a little birdy said there will be some Javascript related presentations. 

I got to see an awesome presentation by Tad Thorley on Coffeescript. It’s a minimalistic language that compiles to Javascript. Take a Javascript program and start removing unwanted literals from the syntax until you can’t remove anymore, that’s how a Coffeescript program looks like. 

Its the kind of minimalism that makes you appreciate the beauty of code. It combines the good parts of Python and Ruby syntax. There are some side-by-side comparisons of Coffeescript and Javascript code on the Coffeescript website.

Tad might post his slides (which are just short snippets of code) on github and I’ll try to link it here.

Update: Coffee Script Presentation - https://github.com/phaedryx/coffeescript-presentation