The time has come to part ways. I’m leaving Utah to move to Portland on May 25th 2012. This July would have marked the 10 year anniversary of living in Utah. I can’t believe I spent one third of my life so far in Utah. Some of the best memories in my life were formed here.

True Love:

I met my beautiful wife here in Utah. She kicked my ass in TaeKwonDo, I asked her out, and the rest is history. Happily married for  four years with a baby on the way.

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First Job:

My first real programming job was with Delcam USA. I still have my first paystub from Delcam. Tom my boss at Delcam is still the best boss I’ve had so far.

Higher Education:

University of Utah. So many memories, so many sleepless nights at the computer lab. I still get a nostalgia when I walk through the campus.


Eight clueless kids from India got together to share accomodation while going to school and ended up sharing the best parts of our life. Although we have all parted ways since our college days, I can’t help but feel they are part of my family.

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When I went to my first class, I thought I was going there to give my wife some company. Four years and 6 belts later, it has become a dominating force in my life. I never knew getting thrown around was the way to make new friends. :)

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Along the way I discovered the wonderful art of Iaido. I call it the art of playing with Japanese swords.

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I couldn’t believe there was a group of people who met every month to geek out about their favorite language. My heartfelt thanks to herlomharrisonsmcquay, travis and seth. You guys welcomed me into the group and helped me shape my future in the world of Python. 


I took up Mountain Biking, Hiking and Snowboarding and I’ve loved every minute of it. I will miss the rocky moutains, Uintahs and the snowy hills. 

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Leaving all of this behind makes me sad. Utah made me into what I am today.

But now I’m headed to Portland to work for New Relic. I’m told Oregon is a wonderful place, but I’ll always have fond memories of Utah wherever I go.