Leaders are genuine

I had a chance to watch one of my role models in action today. He is one of the young, intelligent managers who rose to the top of the ladder pretty quickly. He managed to do that without creating enemies along the way which is pretty hard to do in big corporations. Everyone who has worked with him will attest to the fact that he deserves to be in the top and has nothing bad to say about him....

March 1, 2011 · 1 min

Education from unlikely sources

I’ve never understood the meaning of the term “Pearls before Swine” and never bothered to look it up (laziness mostly). I’ve chalked it up as an unfunny comics strip that is obscure. But today I read a blog post by Linus (yes, the creator of Linux) about his experiences at a Night before Oscar Party. It is hilarious, you should go read it, NOW. The title of the blog was “Pearls before Swine”....

February 28, 2011 · 1 min

Why do I hate Gnome?

I’ve been using Ubuntu Linux on my netbook for the past couple of days and I’m quite pleased with the whole experience, except for the initial issues (I just won’t trust the auto-update).Ubuntu uses the Gnome desktop environment by default with a little bit of tweaking. Gnome UI designers have a sense of aesthetic cognizance to their designs. I’ve always appreciated the crisp icons and the polished dialogs. I’ve been known to throw around the word stunning, quite generously, while describing Gnome....

February 28, 2011 · 2 min

Ubuntu and I have some trust issues

I’ve been exclusively using Meego on my netbook and I was moderately happy with what it provided. So I did what any self-respecting hacker would do - I tried to make it better. Well, we all know how that usually ends. I managed to uninstall every single kernel in the system and rendered the system unbootable. Taking this as an opportunity I decided to try a grown-up OS. Enter Ubuntu into the picture....

February 20, 2011 · 3 min

Five hours of Aikido and Javascript

It was a good day for Aikido. We started at 10am and went till 4pm with an hour break. My joints are sore but my mind is exuberant. I actually managed to get more than 2 hours of Javascript learning after that. I’m quite impressed by the features of Javascript. Passing a function to another function as a parameter, returning a function, a function inside a function, anonymous functions (lambdas), wow, its a surprisingly powerful language for doing web development....

February 12, 2011 · 1 min