Vian (3yo) is in the bathtub and I’m trying to get him to come out. Sempi (7yo) is already out and changing his clothes. I am losing my patience with Vian and he is losing his patience with this toy that he’s trying balance on the rim of the bathtub.

After pleading with him for a while, I lost my patience and stormed out and turned off one of the lights in the bathroom. Although this didn’t plunge the bathroom in darkness, this did darken the room just enough to cause Vian to yell and scream. Suddenly who comes running but Sempi. He asked in a compassionate tone “Vian are you ok? Is there anything I can do to help you?”.

Clearly ashamed by my actions, I went back to the bathroom and got Vian out of the bathtub. I told Sempi that I’m proud of his actions and I wish I could learn from him. Sempi said in a serious voice, I could teach you. Here’s his teaching:

Sometimes when things don’t go according to your plan, you’ll be tempted to do something bad to hurt the other person. But the way to control that is to remember that you should always treat others how you want to be treated.

He said the best way to practice this is to go to someplace new that I’ve never been to. In a new place, things won’t go exactly as planned and I’ll find myself often frustrated or angry. That’s when I could practice being nice and not mean to everyone. He offered to go with me, so he can be there to support me.

I am speechless. My son is awesome!