Goodbye Netflix

“People are exhausting. But you’re not people.” A direct quote from my teammate during a dinner at a conference. We became very good friends after that trip. Back in 2017 I joined Netflix and moved our family to San Jose. I joined the team that built Chaos Kong. We brought our failover time from ~45 mins to under 7 minutes. True to Netflix’s culture I received some of the best feedback in my career....

December 14, 2024 · 1 min

Ghostty Terminal

I got beta access to Ghostty and set it up on my MacOS (Sonoma) laptop. The terminal is nice out of the box. It has tab support and splits. The default color theme is pleasing. I still needed to adjust the configuration to make some changes to match my taste. The configuration file is located in ~/.config/ghostty/config, there is no UI based preference dialog (planned for the future). This is my config:...

November 28, 2024 · 1 min

Gods and Plagues

Sempi is the resident expert on all things greek mythology in our household. He will often share “interesting” facts in the form of “Did you know… ?”. One such conversation ensues. Sempi: Did you know that Apollo actually shot a plague of arrows? But it is often misintepreted as he shot arrows of palgue. Vian : What do you mean? Sempi: He shot so many arrows in the sky that it was a plague of arrows....

September 8, 2024 · 1 min

Ok Comedian

Vian : I think I'm ok at comedy. Yoshi: Oh yeah! Vian : Muhuhahaha! Muhuhahaha! *Vian starts laughing maniacally* *Yoshi joins in and start laughing* *Vian stop abruptly while Yoshi is still laughing* Vian : See, I told you I'm ok at comedy.

September 8, 2024 · 1 min

Regular Pentagon

I’m reviewing math lessons with Vian before his test. We’re on a chapter about polygons. Me: What is a pentagon? Vian: It's a polygon with five sides. Me: Good! What is a regular pentagon? Vian: A regular pentagon? Me: Yeah. Vian: I think it is a pentagon that is not special? Me: What? Vian: It's a pentagon without anything special about it. Just regular. Me: *laughing* It's a pentagon with equal sides....

June 14, 2024 · 1 min