Scripting Tmux Layouts

Tmux is an awesome replacement for Screen. I have a couple of standard terminal layouts for programming. One of them is show below. Vim editor on the left. Top right pane has the bpython interpreter. Bottom right pane has the bash prompt. I have a small tmux script in my ~/.tmux/pdev file that has the following lines selectp -t 0 # Select pane 0 splitw -h -p 50 'bpython' # Split pane 0 vertically by 50% selectp -t 1 # Select pane 1 splitw -v -p 25 # Split pane 1 horizontally by 25% selectp -t 0 # Select pane 0 In my tmux....

August 3, 2011 · 1 min

Synchronize Panes in Tmux

Tmux is an alternative for screen. For anyone who doesn’t know screen, it is a terminal multiplexer which means, it allow multiple windows in terminal. It can split your window into multiple panes (vertical/horizontal), detach a session which can be attached at a later time. Detach/Attach is very useful for running a job in a remote server without having to keep the ssh open the whole time. Tmux can be configured by ~/....

April 25, 2011 · 2 min