A few weeks ago I decided that I should suck it up and start learning how to develop for the web. After asking around, my faithful community brethren, I decided to learn Django from its docs

::Django documentation is awesome::

Around this time I came across this post about Waking up at 5am to code. I tried it a few times and it worked wonders. I’ve been working on a small project that can keep track of my productivity on the computer. The concept is really simple, just log the window that is on top and find a way to display that data in a meaningful way. 

Today’s 5am session got me to a milestone on my project. I am finally able to visaulize the time I spend using a decent looking graph. Which is a huge milestone for someone who learned how to display html tables 3 weeks ago.


A huge thanks to my irc friends and random geeks who wrote awesome blog posts and SO answers on every problem I encountered.

I will be open-sourcing the app pretty soon. Stay tuned.

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