Vian has more than a few words in his vocabulary now and he’s not afraid to show off.

I’m having breakfast with Vian. 

We hear the bathroom flush. 

Vian gets all animated and yells “Poop!” and points to the restroom.

Another day, the same setup. I’m having breakfast with Vian.

Yoshi joins us with a cup of tea. 

Vian points to the steam rising from the cup and yells “HOT”. 

Yoshi acknowledges, yes. It is hot tea. 

Vian: “Hot Tea”  (sounds more like hottie). 

Me: Yes Vian, you’re a hottie. 

Vian (yells): NO!

Me: You’re not a hottie?

Vian: Amma hottie. 

Who am I to argue. ;)