These facts are based on a sample size of one 9 month old.

  • 9-month-olds can eat 3 whole grapes before they get bored of it.
  • 9-month-olds can go from smiling to crying in 5 seconds flat. I’ve also managed to reverse this reaction in 5 seconds. Once!
  • 9-month-olds have no sense of personal hygiene. If you try to kiss them on their cheeks, they can turn their head at the last second and slobber all over your mouth.
  • If you give them an avocado to eat, make sure to wash their hair afterward. Avocado leaks out of their hair and all over their face.
  • 9-month-olds are dramatic. They are emotionally moved when you pluck them out of their mother’s hand. They cry out in joy for saving them. With tears flowing down their chubby cheeks.
  • 9-month-olds are thrill seekers. Even though they can’t walk to save their lives, they will try to launch themselves down the stairs or climb up tables.