Vian is still having trouble pronouncing the sound ‘ka’. He uses the sound ‘ta’ when he tries to say ‘ka’. See previous post for some examples. 

We’re reading a picture book on the couch. 

Vian: What is this?

Me: That is a farm.

Vian: Farm!?

Vian: What is this?

Me: That’s a chicken.

Vian: A Tciten? 

Me: Yeah a chicken. 

I noticed that his pronunciation of “Tciten” is suspiciously close to how he would pronounce “Kitchen”. 

So I figured I’ll take this opportunity to troll him using cognitive dissonance.

Me: Where is Amma?

Vian: Over there (points to Kitchen).

Me: What is that room called.

Vian: That’s a “Titen”.

Me: What is this called? (pointing to the chicken in a book). 

Vian stares at me a second while he figures out my trap.

Vian: It’s a dut (duck). 

Once again I’m outsmarted by a two-year-old. Never been prouder.