Social engineered by my kids

It’s a Sunday afternoon and the kids chose to do 1:1 with each other. They are watching some minecraft tutorial videos on Youtube. Suddenly I hear Sempi running towards me and asks for 5 more minutes. I say sure and get back to my own activity (reviewing PRs on personal projects). Then 5 minutes later he comes back and asks for 3 more minutes to finish the current video. I agreed since it felt like such a small time frame....

March 24, 2024 · 1 min

My Room (essay by a 7yo)

Have you wondered what my room looks like? Do you want to see my room? It’s fuzzy, warm, comfy and plain. My bed is comfy and fuzzy and warm. My walls are plain with one painting. Also it has mario streamers on a different wall than the painting. I hope you liked learning about my room, if not that’s ok. And now you have learned what’s in my room. By V—— Ra—-...

March 23, 2024 · 1 min

LLMs and Freewill

During the late 1900s (1997) I learned about this theoretical concept called artificial intelligence, in high school. I asked my cousin (a CS college grad) about it. He explained that AI is a research field that is trying emulate a human brain but with a computer program. I wondered if that would be a nuisance? For instance, while I’m studying I get distracted and decide to start watching TV (Freewill?). What if the computer did the same?...

January 5, 2024 · 2 min

Postgresql and Underscore

TL;DR: Underscore is a matching character in LIKE queries to match a single character. I’m using Postgresql for one of my projects to store some python package metadata. Canonical python packages must be all lowercase and should not use underscores (_) but instead should use hyphens (-) as delimiters. It is just a recommendation and not enforced by PyPI or pip. I wanted to check how many packages in my database were using underscores....

December 20, 2023 · 1 min

sqlite-utils + litecli

sqlite-utils is a CLI tool for manipulating SQLite databases. I’ve used sqlite-utils and shot-scraper in the past to port my blog from PostHaven to this static site. Recently sqlite-utils added plugin support and Simon the creator of sqlite-utils wrote a few plugins to showcase the plugin system. One of them is a sqlite-utils-litecli plugin which launches an interactive shell with litecli. One obvious advantage is litecli has auto-completion and syntax highlighting which is a huge improvement over the default sqlite3 shell....

July 26, 2023 · 1 min